10:30 am Sunday Worship
10:30 am Sunday Worship


Because of our identity in Christ, we seek to direct our community to the glory of God through missional teaching, preaching, giving and involvement in ministries of compassion, community engagement, and Gospel evangelism.

Outreach activities include participation with local community partners like Miracle Hill Ministries, Greer Community Ministries and Piedmont Women’s Center. We also engage with our community through participation in neighborhood clean-up projects, event staffing and food-drives.

Global Gospel Advance (Partnering Globally)

The goal of global Gospel advance is to increase the worship of God and glorify Him by obeying His command to make disciples from the nations of the world. We participate eagerly in God’s mission to redeem His broken creation. The church does missions because God is on a mission. 

As Christians, we engage our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God the Father.  Global Gospel advance is not a part of our church ministry but the hub around which ministry revolves. We partner with Gospel organizations and individuals to press forward in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout our world. We educate and involve our church family in global Gospel work as a priority since every Christian has a significant role to play in fulfilling God’s plan to reach all nations. (Maybe strategically place Isaiah 52:10 on the page??)

Partnering Locally

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