9:30 am Sunday Worship | 11 am Community Group
9:30 am Sunday Worship | 11 am Community Group


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21

Giving Philosophy

While the act of giving is important, God is equally concerned about our motivations. In admonishing God’s people towards generosity, the Apostle Paul brings the cross into focus. Whereas charity was once an act of manipulating God or removing a sense of guilt, the gospel renews the motives for believers. Our generosity is a response of thanksgiving for God’s gift of Christ to us. Since Jesus gave all for us, we consider it a privilege to sacrifice for the cause of Christ in the world.

NOTE: The church office will include any donations via online giving in its annual statement to contributors.

At Suber Road we are committed to furthering the gospel to the lost and ministering compassion to the brokenhearted. In addition to prayers, God is glorified to use the gifts of individuals to advance the cause of the Gospel in the local church. Would you consider partnering with us through a one-time gift or regular support?

There are safe and secure ways to give to the ministry of Suber Road Baptist Church.

Online Giving

Online giving provides an opportunity for individuals to give securely through a one-time or a regular gift.

Other Ways to Give


Members and regular guests give cash and/or checks during the offering at both Sunday services.


Text giving provides a simple way to give. Just text GIVE to 864-902-7722.


Financial gifts may be mailed to Suber Road Baptist Church’s office at 445 South Suber Road, Greer, SC 29650.

An important note regarding gift designations: Donors are able to indicate a designation indicating a preference for how contributed funds will be allocated (i.e. general fund, missions, benevolence, etc). However, Suber Road Baptist Church has exclusive control and discretion as to the use of all contributions and is not bound to honor the recommendations of the donors nor will donors be able to recover a contribution because of a failure to honor the donor’s designation. If you have any questions about this please speak with a member of the finance committee.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 8:9


Join us on Sunday Mornings @9:30 am.

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445 S. Suber Road, Greer SC 29650
Phone 864.801.0181
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445 S. Suber Road, Greer SC 29650
Phone 864.801.0181
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